A comprehensive suite of reports is also available:
- Badges - Badge details, badges issued, badges received and courses
- Blogs - Blog content, tags, users and courses
- Cohorts - Cohorts and cohort members
- Comments - Comments and users
- Course categories
- Course participants - Course, course category, user enrolments, group, course completion, course access
- Courses - Courses, course category, tag, course image
- Files - File, user
- Groups - Groups, groupings, group membership visibility
- Notes - Notes, recipients, authors, and courses
- Tags - Tag collections, tags, tag instances, and tag authors
- Task logs - Tasks and users
- User badges - Badges issued to users in courses, including badge details
- Users - Users and interests
In addition to custom report and admin portals.
- Teacher: Student Demo
- Teacher: Student Demo
- Teacher: Student Demo